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Exception Handling in Salesforce

I always had this bad feeling, that I wasn’t following the best practices handling exceptions in Apex. In most of the cases, I wasn’t doing any exception handling. What is an exception? An exception is a condition which changes the normal flow of program execution.That is when something bad happens which the program can’t handle

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Introduction to REST API

REST API provides a powerful, convenient and simple Web Services API to interact with platform. REST API uses same underlying data model and standard objects as those in SOAP API.They also follow the same limits as SOAP API. Advantages of using REST API Ease of integration. Ease of development. It works great with

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Actionfunction component with example

ActionFunction component triggers an action whenever a user clicks on a custom link or a button inside a visualforce page. In visualforce, actionFunction is used to call method inside a controllers as a JavaScript function. ActionFunction can be used anywhere inside a visualforce page to call action which include custom javascript code. ActionFunction is a

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Salesforce developers spend lot of time waiting for file Save operation to finish. This is a big problem for developers working on big projects which includes large number of classes, pages, objects and components. I recently found out a way to boost-up the save and refresh speed on Eclipse IDE. The secret to

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Global Picklist: Define Globally and use them locally

Let’s say you have to store information about t-shirt sized on various entities like Accounts,Users,custom objects etc. And after a month, your company decides to switch to a different size format, for example, 36,38,40 instead of small,medium and large. The only option you have is to go and update the picklist values everywhere its used.

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Deployments in Salesforce: Sandbox and Metadata Migrations

In this tutorial we will talk about sandbox and how deployments are handled in Salesforce. Let’s start with Sandbox. What is Sandbox? Sandbox is a copy of a production environment.The main purpose of Sandbox is testing and development of new changes. How Sandbox works? Whenever you create or refresh a sandbox, copy of the production

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Salesforce Lightning Inspector: New developer tool for google chrome

Install it here Debugging your web apps is one of the most difficult task for any web developer. One of the main reason behind the popularity of google chrome browser among web developer is its great set of Developer tools. Even with great set of tools available, developers still face challenges with apps that depend

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Integrating External application / External data into Salesforce using Heroku External objects and Heroku Postgres addon

Lot of times, customer facing websites depend on a relational database as there primary datastore. These applications which depend on Salesforce for back-office uses, it is important to bridge these two systems to give a great experience to customers. For example, we have an external application which contain customer-related data like coupon code which is edited

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Apex -triggers in Salesforce with example

Apex trigger is a piece of code which executes when an event ocurrs. It executes when a record is Inserted,Deleted or updated from the database. Syntax: These are the events on which trigger get fires: Insert Update Delete Merge upsert undelete Let’s take an example: Suppose we have a requirement in which we need

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