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Salesforce lightning merge accounts

Salesforce lightning merge accounts: How you can do that, know it all

In our series of blogs on Salesforce today we would be taking a look at Salesforce lightning. As you have got the idea from the title we would be talking about Salesforce lightning merge accounts. But before that let’s see what is Salesforce lightning. To put it simply Salesforce Lightning can be defined as a user interface (UI) framework.

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best practices in Salesforce

Using Salesforce? Adopt these best practices in Salesforce to get optimum results

Salesforce is one of the most powerful customer relationship management (CRM) platforms that helps organizations to manage their customer data, streamline their sales processes, and improve their overall business performance. If you are using Salesforce (which you might be as you are here) then you must know and adapt to the best practices in Salesforce

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