
Salesforce has never failed to bring new and interesting things for both the clients and users. Moreover, the users too find various ways to keep in touch with the latest technologies introduced in the system. As everything is getting digital and hence is connected to the vast network of the internet. Chrome is considered to be one of the best browsers developed by Google and has millions of downloads over the world. In order to provide a glance of what Salesforce technology can do combined with the world-class browser, we have compiled some Chrome Extensions. We will discuss some of the most popular Chrome Extension for Salesforce that can be installed on your computer.

#1 Salesforce Inspector

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Inspecting is undoubtedly a complex task while managing the Salesforce for a specific project. The Salesforce Inspector is a tool that allows you to inspect metadata without going to the Salesforce system. This will come in handy while managing lookup up fields and other things.

#2 Salesforce ORGanizer

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Have you ever forgot your Salesforce credentials and got in trouble while restoring them? This Chrome extension for Salesforce will help you to store your passwords in a secure way. In the case of managing multiple orgs, you can pick a different color and assign them accordingly.

#3 Salesforce Navigator

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There has been a tough time when navigation was difficult in the Salesforce UI, but no more! Salesforce Navigator will change things and make them convenient for you. Install it on your system and it will show you the steps how to go and do a specific task.

#4 Salesforce ID Paster

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This Chrome extension for Salesforce will help you to import and export data from your PC to the Salesforce database in no time. You just have to copy SFID on the clipboard followed by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Y. This will direct you to the corresponding page in a matter of seconds.

#5 Salesforce Advanced Code Searcher

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There are a lot of things that can be done using this single extension and will save you time. Users can easily switch between Apex Triggers, Visualforce Pages, Apex Classes, etc in a couple of clicks. The auto-generated suggestions will help you find the desired code quickly and thus give you complete assistance.

#6 CodeCopy

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It is often observed that the privilege to copy and paste a code of various snippets are not available. This Chrome extension for Salesforce will do the same for you without worrying about anything. You can directly use the shortcut keys to complete the action and continue with your work.

#7 Boostr

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Many users download this Chrome extension for Salesforce to speed up their developer and administrator jobs. You can easily look for field names while editing, check various items in a column, and an ending list of tasks.

#8 Grey Tab

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Grey Tab is considered to be an open-source program that shows you the data present in a field while viewing a specific record. This will provide you an overview of the fields without much effort. Moreover, it will capture Salesforce session information stores in the browser cookies.

#9 Whatslly

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As the name suggests, this Chrome extension for Salesforce will connect all your Whatsapp contacts to your Salesforce account. This will bring all your customer-related conversation to a single place. Users can directly link their accounts and manage all the records with ease.

#10 Schema Builder Expander

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It is more of an assistance extension that can increase the screen size up to 15% while building schemas. It will basically hide the unnecessary portion of your screen to increase the workspace. Hence, now you have more area to disclose your ideas and visualize them.


We hope that the mentioned Chrome extension for Salesforce will help you to get a good grip on the system. They will not only save your time but also play a significant role in completing your project. They are easily available on the Chrome Store and will require minimal practice to get used to them.
Check out the previous post here:


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