
Salesforce flows interview questions

Salesforce flows interview questions: In the fast-changing world of Salesforce, Flow has become a key tool for making business processes more efficient. As more companies see its benefits, the need for experts in Salesforce Flow has increased. It’s important to understand Flow, whether you’re a manager hiring Salesforce professionals or not. Check out this blog to discover the top Salesforce Flow interview questions, so you’re ready for your next interview or hiring process.

Salesforce Flow Interview Questions And Answers

1. What is Salesforce Flow?

Answer: Salesforce has a tool called Salesforce Flow that helps automate business operations without needing to write any code. Users can create and use business logic easily. Flows can create, update, or delete records, guide users through screens, integrate with other systems, and more.

2. What are the main components of a Flow?

Answer: The main parts of a Flow are:

  • Elements: These are the basic pieces of a Flow, such as creating records, updating records, making decisions, showing screens, and more.
  • Resources: These are variables, constants, formulas, and sObjects that hold and manage data within the Flow.
  • Connectors: These set the path for how the Flow moves from one element to another.

3. How are Separate Screen Flows different from Autolaunched Flows?

Answer: Screen Flows are made to interact with users. They can show information, collect user data through screens, and guide users through steps. Autolaunched Flows are different because they run in the background without any user interaction, usually triggered by events like creating or updating a record.

4. How can you trigger a Flow to run automatically?

Answer: You can trigger a Flow automatically in several ways:

  • Process Builder
  • Workflow Rules (though this is less common since Process Builder can do more)
  • Apex code
  • Scheduled Flows (to run at specific times)

5. Explain the “Decision” element in Salesforce Flow.

Answer: The “Decision” element in Salesforce Flow splits the logic based on specific criteria. It checks several conditions and directs the flow’s path depending on which conditions are met. It’s like the “if-else” logic in programming.

6. Can you call an Apex class from a Flow?

Answer: You can call an Apex class from a Flow using the “Apex” action element. This lets you add custom Apex logic to make Flows more powerful.

public class AccountActionController {
@InvocableMethod(label='Get Account Names' description='Returns the list of account names')
    public static List<String> getAccountNames(List<ID> ids) {
        List<String> accountNames = new List<String>();
        List<Account> accounts = [SELECT Name FROM Account WHERE Id IN :ids];
        for (Account account : accounts) {
        return accountNames;

7. What are the limitations of using Salesforce Flow?

Answer: Some limitations of Salesforce Flow are:

  • Limited loop count (like 2000 iterations)
  • Limited number of SOQL queries and DML statements per flow run
  • Some complex tasks might still need Apex code
  • Flows can’t be used in some cases where triggers are needed

8. What is a Subflow?

Answer: A Subflow is a Flow within a main Flow. It lets you design in a modular way by creating reusable parts and logic in separate Flows, which you can then call as Subflows.

9. How can you debug a Flow?

Answer: Salesforce has a debug tool in Flow Builder. You can run the Flow in debug mode, set input values, and go through the Flow step by step. The debug logs and Flow interview logs can help you find and fix any problems.

10. How can you ensure that a Flow is bulk-safe?

Answer: To make sure a Flow works well with bulk operations:

  • Don’t use fast elements unless necessary, as they can hit limits fast.
  • Make sure your Flow can handle multiple records efficiently without hitting limits on database queries and updates.
  • Pay attention to loops and how many times they might run in bulk situations.

11. What is the difference between a Record-Triggered Flow and a Scheduled Flow?

Answer: A Record-Triggered Flow starts when a particular event happens to a record, such as its creation, update, or deletion. In contrast, a Scheduled Flow runs at set times, like daily or weekly, and works on records that match certain conditions.

12. Can Flows replace Apex Triggers?

Answer: While Flows can manage many automation tasks that Apex Triggers handle traditionally, they can’t fully replace them. Apex Triggers are more versatile and can handle complex scenarios, especially those involving deep integrations, intricate calculations, or tasks beyond Salesforce. However, using Flows for declarative automation can reduce the need for code and make maintenance easier.

13. How can you handle errors in a Flow?

Answer: You can manage errors in Flows using Fault Paths. When an error happens in a Flow element, the Flow can be guided to a Fault Path. Here, you can specify how to deal with the error, like sending an email, making a log entry, or showing a custom error message to the user.

14. What are Fast Lookup and Fast Create in Flows?

Answer: Fast Lookup and Fast Create are Flow elements made for handling large amounts of data:

  • Fast Lookup: It fetches multiple records at once and stores them in a collection variable.
  • Fast Create: This lets you create many records simultaneously using a collection variable.

15. How do Before-Save Record-Triggered Flows differ from After-Save Record-Triggered Flows?

Answer: Before-Save Record-Triggered Flows start before a record is saved to the database. They can change the record without needing an extra database operation, which makes them more efficient. After-Save Record-Triggered Flows run after the record is saved and are used for tasks like sending notifications or creating related records that should happen after saving the record.

16. What are Local Actions in Flows?

Answer: Local Actions in Flows let users run Lightning Component Actions inside a Flow. This can expand what Flows can do by using custom Lightning Components or triggering standard Lightning actions.

17. How can you optimize the performance of a Flow?

Answer: To make Flows run faster, you can:

  • Use fewer elements and simplify the logic.
  • Be smart about loops and avoid putting them inside each other.
  • Use Fast Lookup and Fast Create for handling lots of data quickly.
  • Use variables and formulas instead of fixed IDs or values.
  • Test the Flow thoroughly with large amounts of data to avoid hitting limits.

18. Can Flows be Used in Communities?

Answer: You can include Flows in Lightning Communities using the Flow component. This lets community users interact with Salesforce data and processes directly from the community interface.

19. What is the role of the “Assignment” element in Flows?

Answer: The “Assignment” element sets values for variables or fields in a Flow. This is handy for doing calculations, changing data, or setting values before creating or updating records.

20. How do you ensure that a Flow adheres to the organization’s security and sharing settings?

Answer: When you create a Flow, you can decide if it should run using system permissions or the current user’s permissions. Running a Flow with system permissions skips object and field-level security rules. For better security and to follow your organization’s settings, it’s recommended to run the Flow using the current user’s permissions.

21. How do you ensure data integrity when using Salesforce Flow?

Answer: In Salesforce Flow, it’s important to ensure data integrity by setting up strong validation rules. This involves checking for empty values, confirming data formats are correct, and using decision steps to verify data before actions like updating or creating records. Also, adding error handling and thoroughly testing the Flow in different situations helps maintain data integrity.

22. Can Salesforce Flow interact with external systems? If yes, how?

Answer: Yes, Salesforce Flow can connect with external systems. This is usually done using external services or by calling external APIs. With the ‘Apex Callout’ action, a Flow can trigger an Apex class to make HTTP requests to external web services. This lets Salesforce exchange data with external systems, which is valuable for integrating Salesforce with other business tools in an organization.

23. What is the significance of ‘Versioning’ in Salesforce Flow?

Answer: Versioning in Salesforce Flow lets you make different versions of the same Flow. This is important for making changes or updates to Flows without affecting current business operations. Each time you edit a Flow, a new version is made. This allows administrators to go back to older versions if necessary. Versioning also helps keep track of changes over time and see how the Flow’s logic has evolved.

24. How does Salesforce Flow support mobile responsiveness?

Answer: Salesforce Flow supports mobile-friendly designs by enabling Flows that adjust to different screen sizes and devices. When designing a Flow, especially with screen elements, designers can use the Lightning Design System to ensure the Flow’s interface adjusts well and works smoothly on both computers and mobile devices. This is essential for organizations needing Salesforce solutions that work well and are easy to use on different devices.

25. What role does ‘Loop’ play in Salesforce Flow, and how do you use it effectively?

Answer: In Salesforce Flow, a ‘Loop’ is used to go through a collection of records or values one by one. It’s useful for handling lots of records together, like updating a group of contacts or collecting data. To use it well, make sure the loop doesn’t go over Salesforce’s limits by working on records in small groups and making the loop’s logic as efficient as possible to avoid doing extra work.

26. Can you explain how ‘Scheduled-Triggered’ Flows work in Salesforce?

Answer: Scheduled-Triggered Flows in Salesforce are meant to run automatically at set times, like every day or week, without needing someone to start them. They’re great for regular jobs such as cleaning up data each month or analyzing data on a schedule. To set them up, you decide how often they should run, when they should start, and any conditions for when they should run. This makes them a strong tool for automating tasks that happen regularly over time.

27. How do you handle exceptions in Salesforce Flow?

Answer: In Salesforce Flow, errors are handled using Fault Paths. If a problem happens in a Flow element, the Flow goes to a Fault Path where you can set up actions like sending error messages or recording what went wrong. This makes sure that errors are noticed and dealt with properly, keeping the Flow running smoothly.

28. What is the purpose of ‘Record-Triggered’ Flows with ‘Before Save’ updates?

Answer: ‘Before Save’ updates in ‘Record-Triggered’ Flows let you adjust a record before it’s saved to the database. This is very efficient for updating fields because it doesn’t need extra database operations, saving time and resources. It’s perfect when you need to quickly change field values based on specific conditions in a record.

29. In what scenarios would you use a ‘Subflow’ in Salesforce Flow?

Answer: In Salesforce Flow, a ‘Subflow’ is used to organize and reuse logic. It’s useful when you need the same actions or logic in different Flows. By putting this logic in a Subflow, you can manage it in one spot and use it in multiple main Flows. This makes it easier to manage and avoids repeating the same steps in different places.

30. How do ‘Decision’ elements in Salesforce Flow enhance process automation?

Answer: ‘’Decision’ elements in Salesforce Flow let you split the logic into different paths based on specific criteria. They automate processes by allowing the Flow to choose different actions or paths depending on data conditions or user choices. This works similar to ‘if-else’ statements in programming and is essential for making dynamic, condition-based automated workflows in Salesforce..

To learn important Salesforce terms and concepts, visit our detailed Salesforce Glossary Blog. It’s a helpful resource that supports your certification studies with clear definitions and explanations.

31.Can you explain the different types of Flows available in Salesforce?

Answer : Salesforce offers various types of Flows including Screen Flows, Autolaunched Flows, Record-Triggered Flows, Schedule-Triggered Flows, and Platform Event-Triggered Flows.


In the constantly changing world of Salesforce, mastering Flow is essential. Its abilities, from automating business processes to improving user experience, are crucial for organizations. As we’ve covered key interview questions, we hope you feel more prepared and confident, whether you’re going to an interview or leading one. Remember, while technical skills are important, knowing how to use Flow to solve business challenges is what truly shows expertise.

You’ll not only learn how to navigate this field, but you’ll also get access to special offers on certification courses. Take advantage of our Salesforce Flows training course to boost your Salesforce career.


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